"The details are not the details.
They make the design"
- Charles Eames -
Not impossible, but quite difficult to find a chandelier that doesn't break the bank, or doesn't scream cheesy. I've searched through many websites, visited many stores, and finally found solace in simplicity and beauty at Pottery Barn. I've included the link to my what I call the "centerpiece" of our hallway or foyer, however, the chandelier became unavailable. I still think that Pottery Barn has some comparable foyer centerpieces.

God only knows how I've tried to tackle this massive foyer design. I've looked through multiple magazines such as Southern Living, Country Living, to name a few. Google was my best friend, until I stumbled upon Chris Loves Julia and found my inspiration of checkered floors. I wanted to created a naturally flowing floor extending from the foyer into the kitchen & kitchenette area. It was not easy. Black and white was too invasive, gray was a risky choice. Unfortunately yet again, the links that I found led to nowhere, so I had to take my dad's contacts up for grabs and ordered tiles through Tile Design Inspirations from Maplewood, NJ. They didn't disappoint, neither did the labor of my dad & brother who worked tirelessly on this IMPECCABLE floor design. This was definitely my trophy idea that preserved the nature of this colonial home. I'm also including some inspirational photos that lead me to my kitchen design ideas.

All the doors...I didn't attempt the count, but we had an issue with countless doors. Because we decided to paint the house Cloud White, from Benjamin Moore, I had to do contrast doors. From my previous home, I remembered I loved - I absolutely loved Benjamin Moore black paints. They came in so many names! I couldn't remember my favorite one while were painting (now I do - it was Cheating Heart), we picked Wrought Iron, what Benjamin Moore calls "A shade of black beloved for its relatively soft, malleable character." I keep getting asked if my doors are new because the color made them so updated and elegant. Cheating Heart, make room for Wrought Iron.